Summer school

The French as a Foreign Language Summer School is co-organized by Toulouse INP and INSA Toulouse under the Toulouse Tech umbrella.


The French as a Foreign Language Summer School is co-organized by Toulouse INP and INSA Toulouse under the Toulouse Tech umbrella.


It is aimed at international students wishing to enroll in an engineering program in France. 

Also open to doctoral and post-doctoral students who would like to learn French or improve their French proficiency.

The objective of this intensive course is to strengthen communication skills in French and to allow students to familiarize themselves with French academic methodology and scientific French in order to facilitate their integration as future engineering students in France.


Cultural and tourist activities: two cultural visits in the Occitan region during your stay (Carcassonne, Albi, …)

Coaching by a French student from our school (to assist and accompany you during your stay)


Intensive french course

66 hours of FLE (French as a foreign language) lessons over 3 weeks (22 hours per week) :

12 hours of French communication classes every morning iorganized by levels
10 hours of French for Specific Objectives (engineering, science) every afternoon except for beginners who only have French communication classes

Cultural activities and visits :

Discovering Toulouse (treasure hunt and boat ride on the Garonne)

Airbus site visit and a trip to the Aeroscopia Museum

Cultural outings, games, exhibition visits, museums, cinema, picnic ... more info to come !


22 hours per week + cultural outings
Reduced price : €150 per week for students of INP and INSA Toulouse partner institution

Full Price : €300 per week 

Registration: minimum two weeks

For complete beginners: 3 full weeks



Marina Barrière : marina.barriere @ toulouse-inp.fr

INP-ENSEEIHT international office : International.enseeiht @ toulouse-inp.fr

INSA Toulouse international office : welcome @ insa-toulouse.fr

Contactez l’ENSEEIHT

L’École Nationale Supérieure d'Électrotechnique, d'Électronique, d'Informatique, d'Hydraulique et des Télécommunications

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


Accès rapides


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